hydrating face oil, wildfire hydrate & glow oil

Wildfire Hydrate & Glow Oil Infusion 10 Ways


This is one of the very first oils I put out when I first started Blu Radical Apothecary back in 2011 and continues to be the number one best seller.

But what's so special about it you ask? Not only does it have amazing properties, but it's extremely versatile.

One of the many questions I get is what else can you use this oil for so let's dive into that!

Oil can sometime be intimidating, after this quick blog session you'll be asking yourself why you didn't start using oils sooner!


10 Ways To Use Wildfire Hydrate & Glow Oil

1. Scalp Oil Treatment:

Add oil to your scalp using the dropper, massage scalp and leave in from 20 minutes up to 24 hours. Shampoo and condition like normal. 

2. Skin Regime:

Use as an extra moisturizer after cleansing and before or after regular moisturizer or spf. 4-5 drops, massage in skin.

3. Oil Cleansing Method:

Use to take off dirt/ grime/make up. Add 10-20 drops in palms and a massage off impurities. Wipe face with warm washcloth.

4. Facial & Body Massage Oil:

Adding small amounts at a time massage where needed. 

5. Cuticle Oil:

Add a few drops to nail beds and massage in daily.


6. Sooth Sunburns:

Gently add oil to effected area, helps balance PH, helps promotes collagen & cell regrowth.

7. Turn It Into A Light Scrub:

Add a teaspoon or brown sugar, white sugar, or coffee grounds to 10-20 drops of oil and you have yourself an easy exfoliant. Use on face avoiding eyes or tough dry spots. 

8. Turn Your Foundation Into A Tinted Moisturizer:

Add a few drops into your favorite foundation to help it appear more natural.

9. Stop Itching & Rashes:

The oils natural properties help relive itching from bites, minor cuts and burns, hives, bruises, eczema, scalp fungus, stretch marks, rashes, & more. Do not apply on open wounds. Safe on ages 1+.

10. Foot Carrier Oil:

Putting oils on the bottoms of your feet are the best way for your body to absorb them. Add 2 drops of your go to essential oil and 5 drops of Wildfire Hydrate & Glow to the bottoms of your feet and massage in. Our favorites are lavender & frankincense.

If you enjoyed this post you may also like to learn about this: What Are Glycerites, Benefits, And How To Use Them 


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