glycerite, herbal remedies for allergies

What Are Glycerites, Benefits, And How To Use Them

What Are Glycerites, Benefits, And How To Use Them

Glycerite is a herbal medicine that involves using food grade vegetable glycerine as a menstruum to extract herbal properties. It’s a great alternative to alcohol-based tinctures, and also has its own sweeter distinct flavor which can be useful when dealing with bitter herbs.

According to text, glycerine was discovered in 1783. The substance was first isolated in 1783 by German Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele, who described it as the “sweet principle of fat.” The term glycerin (or glycerine), was then introduced in 1811 by French chemist Michel-Eugène Chevreul. Glycerine then came into use by herbalists around 1846. This liquid is obtained by the hydrolysis of vegetable fats or fixed oils.

What is the difference between tinctures, teas, oxymels, and glycerites?

All of these are different forms of herbal wellness support using specific mentruums. For example, tinctures are herbal extractions using a spirit/alcohol. Tea is an herbal extraction using water, oxymels can be used as an herbal extraction using honey and vinegar, and glycerites are herbal extractions using food grade vegetable glycerin. 

They all have specific strengths in what properties are extracted.

Some people really dislike tea, and prefer to take their herbs in tincture form, whereas some people dislike the taste of the alcohol and prefer something sweeter and more pungent like an oxymel. All of these are great ways to consume herbs and all comes down to preference. 

Are Glycerites Safe?

There are two different types of glycerine − vegetable and petrochemical glycerine. Nowadays, the petrochemical production process is only seldom used. Vegetable oils form the basis for the production of glycerine. These vegetable/food grade glycerine are safe and can be used in a number of ways including as a menstruum for herbal extraction. Do not consume anything other than FOOD GRADE glycerine. 

Where Is Glycerine Found Naturally 

Glycerin occurs naturally in fermented foods and beverages, including beer, honey, vinegar, wine and wine vinegar. It is also commercially produced from fats and oils or through the fermentation of yeast, sugar or starch.

How To Use Glycerites

This will vary depending on where you get your glycerites from.

Our Happy Day Glycerite should be shaken well before use, and you can take 1 droppersful up to 3x's a day.

Keep this in a cool dark place, there is no need to refrigerate.

Different options for taking glycerites if not straight from the bottle are to dilute it in some tea, water, juice, or even soup-like foods. Note that it does have a soft sweet flavor so try a  little drop on your hand before you add it to dishes.

Shelf life: 14-24 months.

Find Happy Day Glycerite HERE >>>

Benefits Of Taking Glycerites

1. Potency

Glycerites are much more concentrated than teas and small amounts can pack a quick punch compared to teas and tisanes depending. 

2. Convenience

We don’t always have access to hot water for on-the-go days, glycerites can be a much more convenient option for getting your herbs in plus, most are travel friendly.

3. Alcohol-Free

Alcohol isn’t always a fair option when consuming herbs, glycerites can be a nurturing ally in these cases.

There are many reasons alcohol may not want to be consumed and that’s perfectly ok because it’s not needed to get medicinal properties of herbs.

Glycerites, tinctures, oxymels, infusions are all personal preferences when it comes to your own herbal practices.

Glycerites are also safe for children. 

4. Limited Side Effects

Alcohol-based products can be loaded with potential side effects. For those that are applied topically, irritation, dryness and itchiness are very common. 

There is also a risk to liver function whenever alcohol is involved. 

Glycerites can provide a safe, better tasting alternative.

Curious about Oxymels? Head here to learn more: 

What is Oxymel? Benefits, Usage, & Recipes


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