Maximizing Your Apothecary's Marketing Potential: 4 Key Elements

Maximizing Your Apothecary's Marketing Potential: 4 Key Elements


“Essentials of Apothecary Marketing” sure doesn’t get your heart racing as much as the thought of trying out a new recipe, right? You’re so not alone. But if you’re here reading this post it means you’ve probably realized there’s more to a successful Home Apothecary than just the making part.

“Make great products and advertise them.” That’s what I thought I had to do to get more clients and sales. Maybe this is your approach right now? This strategy may have worked in the ’80s, but honestly, it’s just not enough anymore! You post your products on social media and you feel so proud and hopeful! But then you get crickets and no one orders anything, and it hurts. Because no matter how hard we try; we just don't get more clients and sales. Here’s the big secret my friend, the essentials of apothecary marketing...

The best products don’t get the most sales. The best marketing gets the most sales! I always tell my Home Apothecary Students a successful Home Apothecary is 30% skills and 70% great business strategy. Commercial apothecaries or department stores with average quality products often get most of the sales. Sure, their products aren't as great as yours, but they’re acing that 70% Business Strategy – and that’s why they’re getting sales consistently, without fail.

If you’re serious about making a profit, you can’t afford to not learn about business & marketing. Anyone can learn marketing. Not many home herbalists realize that the success of their Home Apothecary completely depends on their Marketing Strategy.

The 4 Essentials of Apothecary Marketing

1. Marketing is About STRATEGY, Not “Quick-Fix-Tips”

Marketing isn’t about a few quick tips. Effective Marketing is about many things working together to create a powerful result. That’s what “strategy” is all about. So, if you’ve been hoping for shortcuts, magic wands, quick tips, etc. that will get you hundreds of clients in one month, I encourage you to let that expectation go.

If you want a home apothecary that gets consistent sales every week; pursue learning and growing. The more you truly learn and grow, the more your business will grow. But the herbalists who don’t want to learn and grow are the ones who eventually need to close their apothecary businesses and return to a desk job. If you want different results, you’ll need to change the way you do things.

The day you decided to start selling your products, you signed up to become more than just a herbalist. In that moment you became a business owner and entrepreneur. And if you want more clients & sales you’ll need to be as devoted to developing your business skills as you are in developing your herbalism skills.

If you’re worried that I’m going to tell you to pour thousands into advertising, don’t be. If a business needs to pay for advertising, it never made the effort to understand proper marketing. You can create a sold-out home apothecary without ever paying for advertising! I’ve done it and so have my students. And you can do it too.

2. Understand the Difference Between Marketing and Advertising

The essentials of Apothecary Marketing is all about learning how to make strangers see and understand that your products, services, or goods are exactly what they’ve been looking for. Advertising and marketing are NOT the same thing.

Here’s the difference between Advertising and Marketing:

Marketing is about all the things you do to ATTRACT people to your business. When you understand marketing and apply it effectively to your business, you’re essentially turning your biz into a high-intensity magnet that attracts your ideal clients to you on autopilot. Your clients then come looking for you, instead of you trying to hunt them down.

Advertising on the other hand is like deep-sea fishing, You go out and hope to find clients. It’s stressful. It’s risky. And most of all it gets expensive very fast! I’m sure you’ve felt that with your advertising efforts!

When I started out in 2011 I did try advertising and I didn’t get any business from it whatsoever! But investing my time in learning about marketing has made all the difference in my business.

3. The FOUNDATION of Proper Home Apothecary Marketing

For the first 5 years in my Home Apothecary Business, I always positioned my Home Apothecary to “impress people”. I thought that’s what you need to do to get people’s attention. You need to impress them. Impress them with your making, your long list of ethically sourced ingredients, your fancy logo, with your social media. If you wow them the most, they’ll choose you over another, right?

The shocking fact is that people don't buy because they’re impressed. They buy when they clearly (and quickly) see that you understand their problems and can help them to overcome those problems. Here’s the most shocking truth of why businesses fail: They position themselves as the hero of the story. They make the story all about them and how amazing their business is. But meanwhile, all clients are only interested in ONE story – their OWN story! Not yours.

Here’s a practical example:

We all tend to think WE are Daniel LaRusso at the end of the Karate Kid movie. On our social media and websites, we parade around with our trophy trying to show people “Look! My home apothecary is legit! Look at the awesome things I make! Look at the list of organic ingredients I use! Come over here and read my life story that’s all about me!”

I did this too. It’s how we all start out and there’s no shame in that because it’s what we see so many other businesses do so we assume we need to do the same. But if you want your Home Apothecary Business to grow, you’re going to need to start to approach your business’ story differently.

Truth is, my dear friend, we are NOT the hero of the story. Your client is the hero. Your business’ story is about guiding your client to success. You’re Mr Miyagi!! You are the guide, not the hero. A successful business is the one guiding Daniel (your client) and helping him to overcome his problems and reach success.

When your business is all about YOU, it won’t attract new clients. But when your business starts to revolve around your clients’ success, they start flocking to you automatically! So, spend less time talking about yourself and all the “did you know” facts about your business. Start talking about your customers’ problems and how you can help to solve their problems.

When you talk about the problems they’re already thinking about, you start breaking through the noise. When you empathize with their problems and present a solution, you suddenly start becoming useful to them. People don’t buy products or services; they buy SOLUTIONS to their PROBLEMS.

So, spend some time to really think about this. Write down any and all problems your ideal client faces in their day. Then work those words into your social media posts, your website, etc.

4. Be a HUMAN, Not a Robotic Business

Do yourself a favor and memorize this line right now: People buy from people they know, like, and trust. Meaning, people are way more likely buy from people they can relate to and connect with. We’re relational beings. Acknowledge your own and your clients’ humanity.

Here are 2 ways you can do that:

A) Speak in the first person. Don’t say “we”, “us” and “our” on your website & social media if you’re just ONE person running the show. Be honest. Be REAL.

Speak to your clients & followers in a human-to-human way. Don’t talk to them like a cold, huge, robotic corporation. This is a home apothecary, not the military.

B) Show your FACE!

For the first few years in my Home Apothecary, I was so shy. I NEVER showed my face anywhere on Instagram. I know it’s difficult, but I urge you to be bold and show your face across all your social media platforms! Use a photo of yourself as your profile photo.

And use your first name in your profile! The fact that you, a real person, is baking everything they see is a major asset to your business! Don’t hide the fact that you are the herbalist.

Thats a wrap for the The 4 Essentials of Apothecary Marketing, theres more where this came from so don't you worry!

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Unlock Your Inner Herbalist with our Apothecary Supply Guide! A guided list of all the supplies I use in my apothecary + additional supplies for running a herbal business (complete with links)!