hair oil for growth

9 Benefits Of Using Hair Oils


It's easy to overlook the importance of our hair and scalp care while our skin is busy soaking up the essence, serums, and moisturizers.

Our scalp deserves just as much love (men & women) as our daily skin regimen. Hair Oils can help!

Naturally, our hair changes with the weather and also with how active we are. Knowing what to use on your hair and when, is important because dandruff, debris, dirt, and product residue can build up on the scalp causing other problems, (yuck!)

Scalp care consists of cleaning, rebalancing, and moisturizing just like your face.

You can use our Wildfire Hydrate & Glow Oil on your hair, face, & skin!

Check this out: oils can help remove these products safely while also adding moisture. YES, oils! Here's why:

What is an infused oil?
Simply put, they are the oils of a plant that have been infused into a carrier oil like sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, or coconut oil over time.

Why are they important to the scalp health?
Plant extracts have certain properties in them that allow the penetration of nutrients to go further into your skin than other products.

How can I use infused oils in my hair care routine?
Companies offer hair serums that have a mixture of beneficial ingredients for hair health, you can also make your own at home. A scalp massage is a must when applying the serum and will help the oils remove anything blocking the follicle.

Add infused oils to your leave-in conditioner sprays and split ends. 

9 Benefits Of Using Hair Oils

One: stimulates hair growth
Two: combats dry scalp and dandruff
Three: helps prevent heat and styling damage
Four: adds shine
Five: nourishing 
Six: prevents hair from bad oil build-up
Seven: reduces exposure to chemical and non-natural ingredients 
Eight: full of vitamins

Nine: smells good!!!

My Hair Care Oil Routine

1.  1 hour prior to a shower or the night before, use a scalp oil serum, massaging your head and really letting it soak in. You can use a head wrap or a shower cap to make sure it doesn't get on anything. 

2. Rinse your hair out and shampoo like normal using one free of sulfates, parabens, and alcohol. Condition like normal.

3. On towel-dried hair use a light misting leave-in conditioner with infused oils in it like rosemary, lavender, or other supporting plant oils.

4. When your hair is completely dry, run an oil of your choice through your ends, I like pumpkin seed oil, coconut oil, or jojoba oil for this. Depending on how thick your hair is will determine how much oil to use for this part - if you have thin hair you don't want to use too much just a few drops.

5. Style like normal. 

Sweat Much?!

Sweat is a combination of water, salts, and some proteins that may cause damage to your scalp and prevent new hair growth. If you are highly active, create a barrier with a leave-in conditioner or an overnight hair mask from the night before, try to use natural leave-in conditioners like coconut oil to prevent your hair from drying out with other products that use fragrances and alcohol.

You guys! Once you start to incorporate infused oils into your routine, you'll start to notice a HUGE difference in your hair and how clean your scalp feels.

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